Monday, 9 July 2012

Rubber Boots in a Flood - Week 1

Let me say, I totally knew what I was in for and last week was amazing because I was so well prepared and organized.

Thank you for letting me say that.

Now. What really happened was (as undoubtedly you already are well aware of my best beloveds...) no amount of preparation is enough.

I am (was) a teacher by trade with enough experience to know that I can operate within those boundary conditions. In fact I would argue that I thrive there... At school... That's where I thrive.

Goal 1: be organized, have structure

I downloaded an app for the iPod called Wunderkit which should allow me a chance to strategically plan my week based on chores, activities and grocery lists. Picture of my categories attached.

From this you'll see I have 13 daily chores of which I'm currently 12 behind in at 11:15pm. There are 24 weekly chores of which I have managed to complete 11, which I'm incredibly proud of Toilet Cleaning be damned...

The activities for the boys are more of an idea generator, and it took so long to build I didn't even get around to creating a list of structured play activities.

If you want to see what I'm supposed to do in a day/week you can actually follow me on Wunderkit which I thought was a pretty clever way for starting out Dads to say, WTF am I supposed to do with my time.

Goal 2: Be Active

Boys need the outdoors a big stick, and some mud to play in right? Oh yes, and a sun hat... Oh and sunscreen... A water bottle, snacks, more snacks... Holy crap how much do toddlers eat!?

Okay prep was a failure, but play time at the Spray Park. AWSOME! And aside from the errand running, clean up, and bloody chores (and bloody knees) we did good. And AND my 1YO picked his own book from the shelf, and AND look at the title?! Right, RIGHT!! Done melts yer heart...

Goal Three - Get fit.

10 months of teaching made me fat. Okay, for me that means my waist has expanded, my tummy shows in tight shirts a little, and I finally have to admit to myself I'm in my thirties... So smart guy (that's me) decides Jillian Michaels is my go-to... Because my wife has her books and I spend the week absolutely miserably hungry eating raw nuts and sprouted grains angry at myself because none of it is going to do any good because I can't find the time to do my 20 minutes of cardio, 20 minutes strength training because I'm so done at the end of he day that all I can do is 20 minutes of Better Off Ted on Netflix... Pant pant.., see what Mean? But I digress...

All in all good goals... Leaves something to be desired for week 2 though.

Goals for Week 2:

Create Digital Footprint

Dads need a network and a way to share the stories from the trenches.

Create an "Arsenal"

All good men should have their battle gear washed, itemized and hung in the stable to be ready at a moments notice. Pictures of the arsenal to follow. Now where can I find a good Squire?

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