I promised that I would build myself (and the boys) an arsenal with which to battle out our days. It wasn't quite as epic, or as dangerous as I had hoped. I have to limit the amount of poky things, and things with blades, and anything that can be used as a projectile because (as it turns out) creative children come up with creative weaponry.
However, in the absence of dangerous implements my 3yo has resorted to starting a game of "Chase me Around the Furniture" to get the 1yo to move fast enough that the close-line really knocks him flat... we're working on the gentle play. For now we're limited to semi-aggressive pummelling.
But I digress... The arsenal:

- Backpack: Must contain extra-diapers, change of clothes for the boys, water bottle and lunch kit.
- Picnic basket: Must contain cutlery, water, cold-cuts, cheese, napkins, sunscreen, and bugspray
- Star Wars Lunch Kit: Must contain apple-sauce, biscuits, granola-bars, banana, nuts, cheese... really whatever fits and hasn't expired...
- Swim-Bag: Must have swim suit, swim diaper, towels, swim-shirts, swim hats, sandals.
- iPod: music, apps, camera, toys, all in one handy package
- Shoes and hard-hats - coats optional
- Membership cards (ideally kept in a separate and mobile wallet) Might include; zoo, library, Starbucks...
All of this must be available at a moments notice (often at the drop of a hat...) so that everyone can head out for the ultimate fun-filled afternoon.
It hasn't been a poor system. So far I tend to only show up without hats. Our urban transport vehicle is large enough that much of this can be kept inside without much interference into the "Dog's Space" and other than the lunch kit, often doesn't have to be maintained.
That said, a squire to handle the cleaning, care, and replenishing of provisions would be handy. I'm thinking at some point Evan will be old enough to take on this job.
Given all the preparation Week 2 went by without much of hiccough, no bruises, no cuts, no welts, goose-eggs, or physical damage to either of the children... yes, the children. I did at one point have to scold Evan for playing with scissors, at which point he tried to cut off my thumb. "Mommy! I sliced Daddy on the hand!"

My epic failure for Week 2 was trying to fit in a years worth of backlogged shopping into a couple of days leading to a few impulsive purchases... a $2K stereo system for your living room seems like a good idea at the time, but difficult to take back in week three with a toddler on your shoulders, and an infant in your arms... Story to follow. Moral - big expensive purchases do not help you feel better about yourself.
Enjoy the pictures... I'm about to write about week 3.
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